onsdag, juni 29, 2016


- ny nordisk litteraturfestival -
- - 16.-17. september 2016 - -
- på Kulturværftet i Helsingør -
- - - mere her - - -

tirsdag, juni 21, 2016

What has the European Convention on Human Rights ever done for us?

I can't attend

“I Can’t Attend” is a previously unpublished text by Palestinian poet Ghayath Almadhoun, in Catherine Cobham’s English translation. It is preceded by his video “The Celebration”, made in collaboration with Swedish poet Marie Silkeberg. The text in “The Celebration” is an excerpt of a longer text, “The Details”. Full text is given below. This translation for “The Details” was originally published in Tripwire Journal.

- here -

onsdag, juni 08, 2016

fredag, juni 03, 2016

Classification systems are standardized in almost every field, but the politics of their development and standardization are highly charged. An entire worldview is embodied in a classification system, and this can mean that it serves the interests of one group and not another, or that it replicates traditional patterns of exploitation or cultural domination. A sensitivity to these issues is not only important, but enlightening in its own right, since the cross-cultural or cross-constituency perspective demonstrates the power of classification systems, but also, our blindspots.
- Johanna Drucker in her Intro to Digital Humanities DH101 

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