onsdag, oktober 30, 2013

Jeg mener god digtning altid er politisk, altid har noget at sige om og i samfundet. Det er bare sjældent at det omgivende samfund ligesom opdager det.
- Thomas Boberg i en kommentar til Tid til selvransagelse, et miniessay om poesiens samfundsrelevans i lyset af modtagelsen af Yahya Hassans debutdigte.

Residency in Finland for writers and translators

Villa Sarkia 
Villa Sarkia is a residence upheld by the culture association Nuoren Voiman Liitto and the city of Sysmä in southern Finland. The residence is primarily designed to give young writers and translators the chance to focus on their personal literary undertakings in a private and inspiring setting. Residency periods in Villa Sarkia are between one to three months.

To apply to be a resident at Villa Sarkia, send a free-form application to the office of Nuoren Voiman Liitto. The address is Nuoren Voiman Liitto, Fredrikinkatu 23 d 4, 00120 Helsinki Finland OR by mail: laura.serkosalo@nuorenvoimanliitto.fi. Remember to specify the desired duration of your residency period! Nuoren Voiman Liitto will be in touch with all applicants personally once the selection for each term has been made.
Applying for the Spring period (1 Jan - 30 Jun) ends on 31 Oct. The selections are made by the committee of Nuoren Voiman Liitto in November. 

Villa Sarkia was built in the beginning of the 20th century. It was originally a local bank manager's home, and is located next door to the Theatre House of Sysmä.
There are three rooms for residents in Villa Sarkia, two singles and one double. There is also a common lounge area and a kitchen.

The intention of Villa Sarkia is to provide an environment for young writers and translators to work in privacy and improve their professional skills, and also to increase the diversity of the cultural life of Sysmä.  In accepting residency, each applicant agrees to one (1) performance at a nursery, school, library or other occasion organized by the city of Sysmä during their stay. Should their stay fall on the Summer months, residents are also encouraged to organize activities on behalf of Sysmä's Kirjakyläpäivät, a local literary festival held in July.

More information about applying: 
Executive Director
Laura Serkosalo 
tel. +358 44 207 4650

søndag, oktober 27, 2013

Jeg kan ikke døje den der holdning med, at en lang uddannelse skader kunstnerisk talent. Som om man skrev bedre som fårehyrde, end hvis man er vokset op i Klampenborg med en professorfar og en mor, der var sadomasochist. Dannelse er godt, og man burde ikke have lov at sidde i Folketinget, hvis man ikke kan stave til Baudelaire.
 - Bent Vinn Nielsen i Kristeligt Dagblad (26/10/2013)

Danish delight

- - - here - - -

fredag, oktober 25, 2013

I dag indvies LANGS STIEN...

- - - mere her - - -

Seminar on Vladimir Sorokin at the University of Copenhagen

Bad Words, Bad Writing?
A mini-seminar on Vladimir Sorokin with book launch

Time & place: 1 November 2013, 13-16, 27.0.09 (KUA1)

Hosted by Tine Roesen, assistant professor of Russian Literature, ToRS. E-mail: swl117@hum.ku.dk

Friday 1 November 1300-1600 in room 27.0.09

1.       Welcome and introduction by Tine Roesen
2.       Manuela Kovalev (University of Manchester and University of Viennna)
3.       Dirk Uffelmann (University of Passau)
4.       Questions
5.       Book launch reception with snacks and drinks
The seminar will present and discuss one of the most prominent, prolific and controversial writers in contemporary Russia, Vladimir Sorokin (b. 1955). Focus will be on his many languages, in particular on his use of “unprintable”, obscene language, which caused his novel Blue Lard (1999) to become the first novel subjected to an obscenity trial in post-Soviet Russia, and on his incorporation of Chinese (and pseudo-Chinese) words in several texts, rendering them almost unreadable.

søndag, oktober 20, 2013

Janina Katz (1939-2013)

For et par dage siden døde Janina Katz, sørgerligt. Må jeg ikke i den anledning anbefale at man (gen)læser den besynderlige - hvis det er ordet, måske snarere: i dansk litteratur sjældne og særprægede - roman Længsel på bestilling. Og digtene selvfølgelig. Og de her klummer så klart!

fredag, oktober 11, 2013

Sidste selvransagelse

Imre Kertész i dagens Information. Det erklærede sidste interview (ikke online) og Peter Nielsens anmeldelse af den sidste bog, Letzte Einkehr. Tagebücher 2001-2009. Hermed anbefalet!

onsdag, oktober 02, 2013

Kornkammer er flyttet!

og findes nu på KORNKAMMER.DK