onsdag, marts 04, 2015

-    do i interrupt you
-    no you don’t
-    you wanna join the radio later on
-    …
-    i ask you cuz you wrote to me yesterday
-    yes eh about that freedom of speech yea
-    we thought about talking about the message you sent
-    yea eh …
-    … if you want to talk about it
-    yea but don’t take it personal …
-    well ok no no
-    … no don’t take it personal
-    it’s because you write you wish i was at utøya
-    well don’t know don’t know how much it eh…
-    … when we have debates like the one yesterday we get some wild text messages, and now you tell me not to take it personal, so let’s simply have a talk now about what you mean with a text message like that
-    no ah i don’t really think that eh it’s gonna have any relevance
-    ok ok so what about the text message you sent free freedom of speech to you the traitor i wish you were at utøya
-    no but that is it is not like we have to share the same opinion i don’t know eh i think i feel like one must expect some consequences when one eh
-    but eh is it a death threat you sent me
-    no no haha not at all haha it ain’t no not at all
-    then i don’t understand cuz you write wish you were at utøya
-    well but that’s because with with with him eh him that imam from aarhus yea he’s gonna expect some media storm it’s like if you’re a brøndby fan who enters a fck camp and yells brøndby you know you should expect some consequences
-    who is it you call a traitor and wish you were at utøya was it me or the imam
-    eh well yea it was to you…
-    it was to me yehaha
-     … i think you found out about that yourself
-    so do you think it’s okay to write wish you were at utøya
-    well eh you do know what i meant it is not like i mean it it was just…
-    so you did it just to provoke
-    well that’s because you have the opinion there should be total freedom of speech but it’s just like the muhammed drawings please don’t do it if it pisses people off just don’t do it see i’m a red hair and if i’m at a bar and someone yells well it’s a long time since i was at a bar but then i’ll confront him and let him know that he went too far so if he continues he gotta know it’s gonna have consequences
-    now listen you wrote this text message wish you were at utøya ain’t you man enough to take the consequence and let us broadcast this interview later today
-    eh you can do that but eh i’d prefer to do it live you know don’t know how you’ll edit it
-    well we won’t edit anything it’s a one take
-    well ok you can do that and as i said it was a provocation
-    so i should not regard it as a death threat
-    no haha no you shouldn’t i could never think of that

Digtet er en transskription, ombrydning og oversættelse af Reporterne, en Radio24syv-udsendelse, fra 8. januar 2015. Den 6. januar 2015 modtager en journalist på Reporterne dødstrusler. 7. januar fandt massakren på Charlie Hebdo m.m. sted. Og 8. januar konfronterer journalisten nogle af ophavsmændene til dødstruslerne.

- Rasmus Graff den 23. februar 2015 på Hvermandag.dk

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