Les Figues authors Martin
Glaz Serup (Copenhagen) and Christine Wertheim (Los Angeles) will be on
a Field Tour of the Field States from November 3-10, 2012.
Glaz Serup and Wertheim will also be creating a video-document entitled The Field / Field States. Inspired by Glaz Serup’s book, The Field, different people along the tour route (event attendees, students, etc.) will be asked to read one of the hundred pieces of The Field on video, creating short clips of field texts in different voices, different bodi
Glaz Serup and Wertheim will also be creating a video-document entitled The Field / Field States. Inspired by Glaz Serup’s book, The Field, different people along the tour route (event attendees, students, etc.) will be asked to read one of the hundred pieces of The Field on video, creating short clips of field texts in different voices, different bodi
genders, and personas—though all from “field states” in the American
Midwest (Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio). The filmed version will
embody Glaz Serup’s The Field, performing everybody’s autobiography.
Martin Glaz Serup was born in 1978 and has published six children’s books, most recently an illustrated story entitled When granddad was a postman (2010). He has also published six collections of poetry; his long poem The Field (2010) has been published in Denmark (2010), USA (2011), Sweden (2012) and Finland (2013). Serup is the former founding editor of the Nordic web-magazine for literary criticism Litlive and the literary journal Apparatur, and is the former managing editor of the poetrymagazine Hvedekorn. He has taught creative writing at The University of Southern Denmark and at The University of Aarhus; he is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen. In 2006 Serup received the Michael Strunge Prize for poetry and in 2008 he received a Gold medal from The University of Copenhagen for his dissertation of Poetry and Relational Aesthetics. In 2012 he was awarded the prestigious three-year grant from the Danish Art's Council.
Christine Wertheim is a poet, critic, performer and curator with a doctorate in literature and semiotics from Middlesex University, London. Her books include the poetic suite +|‘me’S-pace (Les Figues Press), Corpus, a chapbook from Triage, and the edited anthology Feminaissance (Les Figues Press). With Matias Viegener she organized an annual series of conferences on innovative writing from 2004 –2010: Séance, Noulipo, Impunities, Feminaissance, Untitled, and Untilted NY. From these they edited the anthologies Séance (Make Now Press) and The n/Oulipian Analaects (Les Figues Press), a Bomb Magazine Editor’s Choice for 2008. Her poetry has been anthologized in numerous collections including Against Expression, ed. C. Dworkin and K. Goldsmith (Northwestern University Press), The & Now Awards: The Best Innovative Writing, eds. R. Archambeau, D. Schneiderman and S. Tomasula (Lake Forest College Press), I’ll Drown My Book (Les Figues Press), and The LA Telephone Book, Vol. 1 2011-12, ed. Brian Kim Stephans. Recent poems appear in Mandorla and Hunter. She regularly writes critical pieces on art, literature and aesthetics, including for Cabinet, X-tra, The Quick and the Dead, Walker Art Center cat., and Patarcitical Interogation Techniques, vol 3, ed. Doug Harvey. She lectures and performs internationally, most recently at the Sorbonne, Birkbeck College, London, the University of Western Sydney, Melbourne University, and LaTrobe University, Melbourne. With her sister Margaret she co-directs the Institute For Figuring (IFF), which curates exhibitions and seminars on the intersections of art, science and mathematics; most recently at the Smithsonian, the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, The Science Gallery, Dublin, the Museum Kunst der Westküste, Fohr, Germany, and The New Children’s Museum, San Diego. In 2011 the sisters received the Theo Westenberger Grant for Outstanding Female Artists from the Autry National Center. In February 2012 the IFF opened a new space in downtown LA with the exhibition Physics on the Fringe, selected as a Best of LA by the LA Weekly, 2012. Her new book Mutters and Babels is forthcoming from Couterpath Books in 2013. For more information see http:// christine-wertheim.com/ <http:// christine-wertheim.com/> and http://theiff.org/ <http://theiff.org/>
Saturday, 11/3/12: Red Rover Series, Chicago, Illinois
at Outer Space Studio | 1474 N. Milwaukee Ave
Monday, 11/5/12: Lake Forest College, classroom visit
Tuesday, 11/6/12: Kenyon Review Reading Series, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
Thursday, 11/8/12: House Reading, South Bend Indiana
Friday, 11/9/12: PUB.UNIT Presents, Illinois State University
at Outer Space Studio | 1474 N. Milwaukee Ave
Monday, 11/5/12: Lake Forest College, classroom visit
Tuesday, 11/6/12: Kenyon Review Reading Series, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
Thursday, 11/8/12: House Reading, South Bend Indiana
Friday, 11/9/12: PUB.UNIT Presents, Illinois State University
Martin Glaz Serup was born in 1978 and has published six children’s books, most recently an illustrated story entitled When granddad was a postman (2010). He has also published six collections of poetry; his long poem The Field (2010) has been published in Denmark (2010), USA (2011), Sweden (2012) and Finland (2013). Serup is the former founding editor of the Nordic web-magazine for literary criticism Litlive and the literary journal Apparatur, and is the former managing editor of the poetrymagazine Hvedekorn. He has taught creative writing at The University of Southern Denmark and at The University of Aarhus; he is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Copenhagen. In 2006 Serup received the Michael Strunge Prize for poetry and in 2008 he received a Gold medal from The University of Copenhagen for his dissertation of Poetry and Relational Aesthetics. In 2012 he was awarded the prestigious three-year grant from the Danish Art's Council.
Christine Wertheim is a poet, critic, performer and curator with a doctorate in literature and semiotics from Middlesex University, London. Her books include the poetic suite +|‘me’S-pace (Les Figues Press), Corpus, a chapbook from Triage, and the edited anthology Feminaissance (Les Figues Press). With Matias Viegener she organized an annual series of conferences on innovative writing from 2004 –2010: Séance, Noulipo, Impunities, Feminaissance, Untitled, and Untilted NY. From these they edited the anthologies Séance (Make Now Press) and The n/Oulipian Analaects (Les Figues Press), a Bomb Magazine Editor’s Choice for 2008. Her poetry has been anthologized in numerous collections including Against Expression, ed. C. Dworkin and K. Goldsmith (Northwestern University Press), The & Now Awards: The Best Innovative Writing, eds. R. Archambeau, D. Schneiderman and S. Tomasula (Lake Forest College Press), I’ll Drown My Book (Les Figues Press), and The LA Telephone Book, Vol. 1 2011-12, ed. Brian Kim Stephans. Recent poems appear in Mandorla and Hunter. She regularly writes critical pieces on art, literature and aesthetics, including for Cabinet, X-tra, The Quick and the Dead, Walker Art Center cat., and Patarcitical Interogation Techniques, vol 3, ed. Doug Harvey. She lectures and performs internationally, most recently at the Sorbonne, Birkbeck College, London, the University of Western Sydney, Melbourne University, and LaTrobe University, Melbourne. With her sister Margaret she co-directs the Institute For Figuring (IFF), which curates exhibitions and seminars on the intersections of art, science and mathematics; most recently at the Smithsonian, the Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum, The Science Gallery, Dublin, the Museum Kunst der Westküste, Fohr, Germany, and The New Children’s Museum, San Diego. In 2011 the sisters received the Theo Westenberger Grant for Outstanding Female Artists from the Autry National Center. In February 2012 the IFF opened a new space in downtown LA with the exhibition Physics on the Fringe, selected as a Best of LA by the LA Weekly, 2012. Her new book Mutters and Babels is forthcoming from Couterpath Books in 2013. For more information see http://
6 kommentarer:
Fedt. Tænk engang, en biografi som er længere end invitationen. Dette er virkelig the power of networking. Jeg synes Marken er ok, men se engang hvor langt den flyver. Dette er socialt talent der vil noget.
I said that.
Non dimenticare il campo!
Andrea Zanzotto
Yo Susanne, der er selvsagt en del tilfældigheder forbundet med hvad der bliver oversat og udbredt hvordan og hvorledes og hvornår, og det er jo fint at du synes at Marken er ok, men der er en del folk rundt omkring, der lader til at synes at den er mere end det. Måske der også er andet talent end blot rent socialt på spil.
Yo, yo. Men hvorfor redigerer du ikke din blog? Tror du godt at vi gider at læse en otte kilometer lang liste over folks endeløse CV-sejre? Hvor meget skal man bare retweete uden at forholde sig? Jeg bare lurer. Er det relevant? Og tilfældigheder siger du? Jeg ved ikke. Hvis en asocial poet havde skrevet Marken havde den næppe kommet på svensk og engelsk. Det er ikke noget "personligt angreb" lizm, det er bare til at blive nuts over at se hvilke bøger som får opdrift og hvilke som ikke får. I visse tilfælde har det zip med litteratur at gøre, det kan vel ikke være kontroversielt at påstå. Kommer jeg i Information nu, med citat og det hele? At være kritiker er vel ikke bare at skrive fine sætninger i avisen, det er vel også at forsøge at sige noget tilnærmelsesvist sandt slash ubehageligt af og til. Også til venner. Også i offentligheden.
Men Susanne, du kan vel selv redigere hvad du læser - scrolle fx, hvis du ikke gider at læse cv'er; og bloggen her er jo ikke kun til dig; jeg RT faktisk en del pressemeddelelser.
Mht. Marken; jeg synes jo selvklart at det er en god og vigtig bog, ellers havde jeg ikke skrevet den; efterhånden findes der også en del læsninger/artikler/anmeldelser/efterord osv., der på forskellig vis præsentere læsninger af bogen og foreslår indgange og grunde til at den kunne være værd at læse. Dem kan man jo læse. Og være uenig hvis man vil, men jeg tror ikke det er mig man skal have diskussionen med.
Iøvrigt har jeg skrevet nær ved 20 bøger i alt - hvordan forklarer du at det kun er Marken der har oplevet denne massive opdrift (den udkommer med på finsk i begyndelsen af næste år også).
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