tirsdag, juni 12, 2007

Hos Juliana:

“... Oh velvet suits. Oh living in Paris on family money ... Social realist poetry. Where did you go? Come back ... It is though as if the poets have realized that the declarations and righteous indignation of the anti-war poetry of the Vietnam war isn’t going to work for this/these war(s) and so they are trying out a bunch of forms, one by one, to see if any end up working, sticking, doing anything ... if we want to get any scope in our understanding of war through time, we’ve got no option but to turn to poetry, one of the oldest genres, and one with close ties to war.”


Hos Sigurd:

” 3. Som beskrevet i 2, vil der - med denne metode - altså opstå en blog, hvor der vil foreligge 389 gamle poster, fordelt over måneder og år, i arkivet. Bloggen vil altså beholde en fortid, men miste sin hukommelse, ganske pludseligt.”

1 kommentar:

Martin Johs. Møller sagde ...

Sigurd droppede dog hurtigt idéen igen.

"I virkeligheden er det jo lidt fjollet, derfor stopper det også. Det var ganske kort. Synes bedre om at genvinde min hukommelse."

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